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Temat: PS3 - NEWS
...wypowiedzia Insomaniac na ten temat) Mozna było sie dowiedziec takze za na TGS zostanie zaprezentowana nowe demo Heavenly Sword (takze juz potwierdzone) :ninja: cos mi sie wydaje ze ten gosc pisze prawde takie przypomnienie najwazniejszych rzeczy ktore znalazły sie w tym poscie * New play demo of Heavenly Sword to look amazing with more gore. * Lair demo at TGS to be amazing looking. * Killzone finally shown and looks like the target video. * Oblivion for PS3 with better textures * PSP emulator coming october (yay!) * SquareEnix one of the first being approached for games on PS1 emulator. * PSP many first party PS1 titles will be available * Multiple online IDs (not just one gamertag), friends lists, rankings and skill-based auto-matchmaking, full online profiles, EyeToy and EyeToy HD integration (photo profiles, possibly video chat).[b/] * Full featured web browser and the PS3 will have...
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